Moonchild~Beams on you ^___^

Saturday 2 October 2010

Sing sing sing...till a lil bit regret

I duno what strikes me with this stupid thought while singing with them... My mind starts to regret of what..I really duno.. Is it about what I've chosen? NO WAY! What the hell is wrong with me? Is it because my subconscious mind is trying to get align with my concious logic system that know what I'm doing now is right? Yeah I just read the book twice and I know it is conflicting; subconscious vs conscious mind now and I'm not gonna let emotions take over my logic positive mind am I? I gota continue do what I have chosen and trash the negative feelings deep down inside that suddenly float out of NO Where??!! Just =.= I gota be strong, endurance is my number1 trait and I gota go through this alone... Fighting fighting alright~ Ja ne~

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