Moonchild~Beams on you ^___^

Tuesday 14 September 2010

the crescent dream

The crescent moon finally appears tonight outside the gate I'm standing here. It's a countdown night of 10days more that I wont be looking at this moon from the same corner anymore.

So i'm bored and best interest now is starting to look back what the horoscope was telling me. I don't believe it 100% but I'm sure what it says here is exactly what I'm feeling now.

Feelings of "uncertainty and chaos" well... exaggerated I guess.. but somehow it feels like it. But What I hope for is the last line..
"Many aspects of your life is changing now, and you'll have to get used to a new order"
I do hope I am doing it right now in the midst of uncertainty and chaos meaning the very bleak road I am getting myself into but I'll never stop fighting to chase the mist away.  

I still wonder what I feel is it true or I will someday wake up from a broken dream, reminisence the memories.. I might just vanish entirely including the laughter we used to have and accepting changes is part of reality. All I can say is 'Aku Anak Malaysia!' There's nothing I cannot deal with.

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