Moonchild~Beams on you ^___^

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Are you Addicted?

The anwer is..YES I AM! More accurately is im so drugged by the beansss ohh amitabha buddha but jz da sake of during work or art stuff i gota be in a feel good state.
My scrambled egg  and smoked salmon tasted smokey and great !!
Between Starbucks and CoffeeBean i think i prefer my own 3in1 coffee stronger or else i will be so broke to all these places =_= just drop by here to let you know my preference n CoffeeBean is their breakfast set which can be ordered anytime of the day with free Americano hot Coffee or a English breakfast Tea... Personally i would only take tea when my body dun in need of the beansssss hehee... =)

For so many times I Love DAY'O BREAK set somehow we gota try other stuff right? And that's my only choice for after more then 2-3years lol... *FAINT HARD*

Awwwwww when hungry all these are soo good...but for health sake don't over do it or else..indigestion will sure gonna strike me >.<

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