Moonchild~Beams on you ^___^

Wednesday 22 December 2010

speck of dust

Emotions can't be played over and over, No regrets and no return, Am nothing but a speck of dust to you, It's ok even there's no one to turn to; I thought your words were real, Seeing a future wonderful rainbow ahead, Had enough of games and heartache, Not gonna let da history repeat, Probably I should have just walk back In the rain back in my own shelter just For your own joy and sunshine ahead, You don't feel it and you can't feel it How much I cherish the way we are, Disappointment... An intolerant person won't even deserve A speck of dust like me. Really.. What do you really want from me? What do you want more from me? When you don't even believe it's true.

Friday 10 December 2010

Like the way it hurts...

Just gonna stand there and watch me cry.. It's alright cuz I like the way it hurts. Isn't my fault whenever my care was being rejected again n again it hurts.

Monday 6 December 2010

Monday blue turns to bitter

My day was ruined by a ridiculous argument hell of an early morning a mood spoiler raising voice on me which I hated it so much! Step my tail even encourage me not to work. I was like ur ady long time blacklisted n who r u to raise ur MF voice on me until my flu got worse n voice in revenge got hoarse n a day gone not fit n missed wat I'm suppose to do earning A LIVING!! A person dat discourage wat ur doing for his/her own interest in ONE HELL OF A MF SELFISH PERSON! this will be final with u I'm getting hell out!

Saturday 2 October 2010

Sing sing sing...till a lil bit regret

I duno what strikes me with this stupid thought while singing with them... My mind starts to regret of what..I really duno.. Is it about what I've chosen? NO WAY! What the hell is wrong with me? Is it because my subconscious mind is trying to get align with my concious logic system that know what I'm doing now is right? Yeah I just read the book twice and I know it is conflicting; subconscious vs conscious mind now and I'm not gonna let emotions take over my logic positive mind am I? I gota continue do what I have chosen and trash the negative feelings deep down inside that suddenly float out of NO Where??!! Just =.= I gota be strong, endurance is my number1 trait and I gota go through this alone... Fighting fighting alright~ Ja ne~

Friday 24 September 2010

Select your choice of food n make it yummy and enjoy some readin!

Cooked oats with raisins and this yummy thing above here is papaya cubes with apricot yogurt =D That's what I called my HEaltHy Brunch for the day.. So full~

Look at that Ms Lolita reminds me one of my heels >.<
My FAV Spot @Borders... Manga!!! If possible I wud like to sit there enjoy sum readin plus that smell of aromatic Starbucks coffee inside here makes me stay but need a sweater if not it's too cold as usual. Dislike the centrelized air-cond.

Thursday 23 September 2010


It is not the tone of concern from you of what I could not find... but it is the tone of suspicion that makes me annoyed. The cause of lack of trust but anyways I need it No more. I jz back my hometown for God's sake.. =.=

[YG21Subs] I Don't Care - 2NE1 [ENG SUBBED]

Man I really dun care lolzz... jz do what i gota do =p I loveee SANDARA park!!! ^___^


Life's a complex even this beautiful simple necklace can turned out entangled into a tiny mini small bunches. Oh Lord help me... Frm 12sumthin till now really needs abundance of my patience to finally make it bck the original pattern cuz I really really can wait to wear it lolz. Not to mention the horoscope were right again this month really unexpected to me left me wondering why those people turn out to be a lot more expressive den I expected. All I noe is I can be there for dem or I dun evn care to those who don't deserve.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Big Bang ~ Tell Me Goodbye [MV] [ENG SUB]

MY BIg Bang Forever~ Tell Me GoodBye... really a goodbye den.

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Yuna Ito (Cover from Aerosmith)

All of a sudden my heart feels that it beats every beat of sadness as I will leave tomorrow ucz I Miss All of You very much already... and coincidentally is on Mooncake Festival Day T___T

Saturday 18 September 2010


T___T suck for cold after the rain.
Been emo for short while n tulips cross my mind I think besides lilies or roses my beloved flower is tulip since young. I dun mind watever various colours as long as it is tulips...cuz maybe its easy to draw for a kid like me.

From white to yellow to pink, cream to purple or veriegated colours... I think I jz love them for their simplicity perhaps since kid i av instict dat my life wud be kinda complex so I guess tulips' simplicity can balance up my mind a bit me some hope. I think they look like roses too in a way.

*Sigh*i Love tulips..u made my life perfect and complete whenever I'm alone and listening to Jeff Chang songs whn I feel melancholy. Thx for accompany this poor soul of mine.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

the crescent dream

The crescent moon finally appears tonight outside the gate I'm standing here. It's a countdown night of 10days more that I wont be looking at this moon from the same corner anymore.

So i'm bored and best interest now is starting to look back what the horoscope was telling me. I don't believe it 100% but I'm sure what it says here is exactly what I'm feeling now.

Feelings of "uncertainty and chaos" well... exaggerated I guess.. but somehow it feels like it. But What I hope for is the last line..
"Many aspects of your life is changing now, and you'll have to get used to a new order"
I do hope I am doing it right now in the midst of uncertainty and chaos meaning the very bleak road I am getting myself into but I'll never stop fighting to chase the mist away.  

I still wonder what I feel is it true or I will someday wake up from a broken dream, reminisence the memories.. I might just vanish entirely including the laughter we used to have and accepting changes is part of reality. All I can say is 'Aku Anak Malaysia!' There's nothing I cannot deal with.

Thursday 9 September 2010

偏爱 张芸京

Lol this clip is great especialy with Zhang Yun Jing's vocal

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Taeyang - I Need a Girl [Eng Sub/Rom/Hangul] (동영배) ft. G.D (BigBang) & D...

Another good song yeahh...

I Need a Girl (English Lyrics)

I'm tired of being alone
Sick of being single
I think I need a girl
I need a girl like

One that speaks without thinking
Not a little child, but one that will embrace me
Not a girl that plays around sometimes when she's bored
But one that will only love me
Even if she stays still and guys hand her their phoone
That kind of girl that will proudly take out and show my picture
Girl, I need a girl
Pretty no matter what she does
A pretty body, too
Girl, I need a girl
Baby, I need you
Girl, you need me, too

A kind of girl that looks better in jeans than a skirt
A girl that will eat the kimchi fried rice that I make instead
A girl who looks young even though she's old
I like that kind of girl
(Know what I mean)

A girl that acts shy, but knows how to be bold
Always pretends to careful of her behavior
But when you're with her
Hmm, y'all know what I'm talking about
Girl, I need a girl
Pretty no matter what she does
A pretty body, too
Girl, I need a girl
I like this kind of girl

Looks are not an issue
But a cute girl who knows style
Even though our hobbies are different
Our tastes are the same
A girl that I can relate to a lot
When we watch movies or listen to music
(Yes!) I love girls, girls I do adore
In front of people, she has principles as she plays
In front of me, she's like "Aing, I don't know"
A voice that wakes me up in the morning
(Morning Kiss) I want to start the day
I'll learn on your knees at night
As I listen to a lullaby
I want to dream of you

Make my heart race again
Make me able to create sweet songs again
You know don't need no more

It's just not like that
You're the person I want to give my heart to

Girl, I need a girl
Girl, I get, gotta make you're mine
I'm treat you right, baby
Girl, I need a girl
Pretty no matter what she does
A pretty body, too
Girl, I need a girl
Baby, I need you
Girl, you need me too

Girl, I need a girl
Girl, I need a girl
Girl, are you listening to me?
Baby, I need you
Girl, you need me, too

Girl, I need a girl

25 Best Nutrition Secrets

Hey guys...n gals u wana eat healthy? Read this and make some changes in your life ^__^ hehee
Worth to take sum time off your stress and carebout yourself too. Here's something from the article...

"Eat protein at every meal. Dieters who eat the most protein tend to lose more weight while feeling less deprived than those who eat the least protein. It appears that protein is the best nutrient for jumpstarting your metabolism, squashing your appetite, and helping you eat less at subsequent meals."

Tuesday 31 August 2010


Remember what we had...
I will just remember and ignore the rest,
Feel the pain and ease the chest,
Not a sound but your silence considered a jest;
Smiling all the way and wish you the best,
As part of me do care your life the finest test.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Just let me be SANE for 1 day

Dog n person da same i came back aft enjoy chapatti n chicken all need to puke out looking at da mess. I cant believe da dog nvr change just dat we repress da behaviour same as human watever i see I tot what i chose is good but it will turn out the exact opposite surprise same as human too! dammit! I rather be GOD DAMN ALONE!

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Face my life now

Changes in life varies depends on the path that you choose.... have faith and pray it works out well. As no one will choose it for you but yourself. You born alone face alone it's fact of life. Failure take it as another lesson in life. I used to be afraid of problems especially changes but I realised changes won't happen if we choose not to believe.

As for tonight after a nice dinner happen to chat with a cute fren and the night seems a more calm night and beautiful as it has always been. I raise my head up to that Grand Kampar hotel and the moon is so round and bright shinning with hope.

Things aren't permanent but so far the moon is now always there beside me for comfort.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

JAY CHOU周杰倫 - 說了再見Say Goodbye KTV HQ 《海洋天堂》主題曲

Learning yet another perfect emo songs....LOVING IT! No matter how much brain damage it caused ^.^ *SMILE*

Monday 5 July 2010

The only person I care about

I'm sure...but I do express it in another way but I'm not sure if it's right anymore. As long as de other person is happy, If doesnt want me to talk too much in case dat person disappear again I guess dat insomnia of mine will stay forever with sweet bitter dreams..Dreams that words can't describe... I'm sure.. cuz im jz happy to see dat online "green" status available even though in silence I'm happy...cuz I have things I gota do by August for what I've promised I will do it but will never ever let anyone make me feel doubtful anymore cuz I'm clear it's suppose to be done since many times last year.

I'm not sure it's true but like Matno said sumtimes we need to be cruel in order to be kind so Once I decided dat person not gonna change what I want the way I lead this life. I gotta do something before I regret for life. I don't want to live a life where there is a second thought pop out everyday "What if...?" I don't want that to happen and regret the rest of my life after living another 15 years.. It's AWFUL..

I miss that person everyday every second no matter how busy or quiet I am...
Sigh...yet again. U just gota do what u can to change the future now. I finally realised last few weeks deep in my heart; my decision doesnt connect to anyone or due to any situation cuz the problem is in me and I have to solve it myself before I go Tanjung Rambutan again =.= It's what my heart knows the real answer but do you have the guts to face the reality or bear the impact you might do to others? Or bear no matter what the consequences are, even living in loneliness? I only know one thing...Live life without regrets is what I really want.

Sunday 4 July 2010


Who is this person la....jz add me I also forgot when...den these 2days started to be so active on my other FB wall....but well hope it wont jz create misunderstandin but watever I jz dun care much... more fren r welcome =) Yeah maybe kids r like dat gua. As long as I know it is not da "Wan Ngo Bun" case. I think i'ma kid too right? Lolz

Thursday 1 July 2010


Somethings never change, since I was a kid till now I am still eating this Haw Flakes. In this traditional 10cent coin shape in cantonese they called "San-Cha-Peng". But for the real San Cha you can find them in chinese herbal shop is totally good for health and cure coughin spell if we boile them as soup. ^__^

Wednesday 30 June 2010

G-Dragon - Making of Shine A Light Concert - Part 2 [ENG]

I'll definitely TAKE LEAVE NO MATTER WHAT! IF GD and Big Bang having a concert in Malaysia! No matter what this leave is a must! Lolz in my dreams now...

Saturday 5 June 2010


I just dunno what the hell I was doing eating Tiramisu in the middle of this hour and it's raining dogs and cats again~~~ Nice to sleep I cant >.<

Friday 4 June 2010

Worst Week

When you thought everything is gonna be fine and you're on your way to overcome the stress soon, there and then comes another unexpected disaster! Make me feel like weighing down myself with overloaded stones in the head...Not to mention personal emotions already and now added problems at work is so merciless sometimes...
But no matter what...I can imagine myself banging my head on the wall if all my files for the 3rd time are not verified! However, that's not gonna happen...umm right?

Thursday 13 May 2010

D.I.Y honey airspirin mask

Act as a mask and a cleanser that exfoliates dead skin cells, refining, whitens, medicated substance that prevents pimples in other words kill germs. I had been dying to try this for a L-O-N-G time. So tonite I finally got the chance to do mask lolz..

Recommendation, for first timer try using this mask once a week and then if it suitable you can use it 3 times per week in alternate days. Do not use it everyday! After cleaning the mask do not forget to slap on UV protection during the day since the skin has been renewed~ (^_6)

 1. Get 3-4 tablets of aspirins on a suitable small plate

2. Slowly drop a few droplets of warm water and make it into a thick powdery paste
*remember 'bedak sejuk' used by ur granmas those kinda paste*
-see it's slowly dissolving and melt using ur finger to help the process faster.
  3. Use a spoon to grind it better making sure it turns grainy.

4. Add honey to make the paste thicker.

*nice smell and moisturize face at the same time*

 5. Leave the paste evenly over your face and neck for 10-15mins

6. Last but not least if you want to exfoliate, use a WET cotton pad to clean your face in circular motion and another one to dry it. Clean thoroughly with water and cleanser is optional.

*Get any of your trusted MOISTURIZER on your cleansed face before you go to sleep!*

Here you go! ^___^ SIX easy simple steps adapted frm da Michelle Phan expert and me here trying out finding that I rather use this than any other masks cuz they are much oily, some even suggested you to leave it on da essence; I might develop a few pimples by than. Good Luck!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Eyeliner Tutorial - Pencil, Cream/Gel, Liquid

I think this will be useful especially to my fren and others that loves eyeliner =)

Bits and Pieces

I encountered some people always seems to never fail asking me what I had been using on this and that...Here I am decided to share some here =P
Hair, mine is thick based and dry... So I had been using 

I always sleep late night maybe even an hour before to work. So far no matter what eye cream you are using, Do not HESITATE to a apply a THICK layer below your eye area before to sleep.

This layer applied during day time.


Don't be surprise it act as an eye makeup remover only, using it gently with cotton sheets. Than your eyes will be clean and well moisturized. Easy to remove
I usually use this during weekends cuz more outings.
Rather you spend hundreds on taiwanese BB cream why this one?

Advisable apply this only AFTER a clean fresh face, apply any moisturizer and UV milk~
This Elianto skin colour has 2 choices. So remember to pick a lighter tone than your skin colour. ^_6

**Use a concealer stick on any pigments to prevent any further pigment darkening!!!** MAINTAIN the BBcream with a light layer of powder on your face (oil-control preferably)


Have you been pampering your face with whitening masks, lightening spot corrector and locking moisture gel and many more?

Lolzz whatever you slap on that face will just go to waste if there isn't any UV protection. Currently I find best here and not cost your pocket on fire

this can last you more than 6 hours for the day as only 14+ will only last about 2 hours per day. So no fuss for 50+ =D

No matter what fake lashes your purposes is for party time or just for fun.. It's advisable to invest a good eyelash adhesive glue that give it a strong stay throughout the I

::THE FACE SHOP::  RM6 (last year)
just like it says "Inspires by nature"


You must be wondering why I upload my SK-II here... well this one ::Whitening Source Derm-Brightener:: RM348 (75g), I got this one through claiming my parkson points. Even it claimed no fragrance, it has this kinda rice smell  I guess. Still got a LOT order not to waste them. Now I just applied to my hand and neck because I have tiny bumps on face due to it's still oily for me. (>.<) so picky my skin sighh... but I have a better idea, plam to get Atorrege AD+ ::White Essence:: is only RM239 (30ml) due to not as commercialized as Sk-2 gua... =T

Tuesday 11 May 2010


Sharing my stuff here is my purpose..